Dolphin P99 Fibreglass Compound 250gm
- A two-pack glassfibre compound free of asbestos
- Due to the content of glassfibre splinters Dolphin P99 is specially suitable for bridging cracks, small holes and rusted-through area on iron, steel and glass fibre
- As the product contains no soluble compounds and does not wash out, it is ideal for all marine repairs
- An application on vertical surface is possible without problems
Mixing ratio
-Mix throughly Dolphin P99 with 1-3% Hardener by weight. Do not use more than this amount of hardener as this can cause specks to appear on the paintcoat
- Under normal circumstances the drying is finished after 20-30minutes. This may be accelerated by oven or infrared drying
- Dry or wet after approximately 20-30 minutes. When wet sanding ensure the filler surface is throughly dry before going on with the next coat or filler or primer
Shelf Life
- 6 months when storing at cool temperature unopened
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